
“Managing Expatriate Compensation-New Concepts and Practices”

By |2010-02-28T13:10:49-05:00February 28th, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Global Business News, Uncategorized, Webinars|

HRCI 1.5 GPHR/SPHR Credits

FREE-Must register in advance

March 26, 12:00-1:30 PM EST

Is your firm working with expatriates?  Are you considering sending expatriates overseas?   Do you have the current legal, financial, immigration and HR expertise to craft a highly effective expatriate compensation package?  Do you know how expatriate compensation packages are changing?

If not, you can upgrade your skills by joining the global legal, financial and HR experts at Birchtree Global as they present this free webinar on “Managing Expatriate Compensation-New Concepts and Practices”.

Topics covered will include:

A. Environmental and Corporate Issues Impacting Expatriate Compensation

            Social networking-you don’t own your brand

            Graying workforce-age of expatriates is increasing

            Shortage of skilled workers

            Dual career couples

            Cost of education

            Better HRIS systems

            Demand for higher performance and utility in HR systems

            Globalization of products, markets and workforce

            Perceived “Fairness” of expatriate compensation

            Corporate emphasis on expatriate ROI

            Mobility expectations of employees

            Mass migrations of people

            Global hiring trends BRIC countries higher than US

 B. Expatriate ROI-Strategic Implications

            Business executives’ expectations

            More focus on metric measurement of the entire experience

            Selection decisions, demands on managers of expatriates

            Suggestions on the value of strategy mapping

            Cost/Benefit Value of providing certain services

            More emphasis on business trips-tax implications

            The cost effect of perceived inequities by local workforce

            Talent management ROI

            Compliance risk

            Technology vs. manpower data collection costs

            Socializing expatriates in country-high value ROI

 C. Costing Expatriate Assignments

            Balance Sheet approach is still number 1 but changing

            Efficient purchaser-characteristics of this process

            Local Plus-characteristics of this program

            Hybrid programs-characteristics of hybrid programs

            COLA by Family –where to get data, value of data

            Foreign service premium-utility, changing ideas

            In Europe “mobility Allowance’ more common

            Dual career costs, mitigation

            Increasing need for flexibility in policies

            Taxation of expatriate rewards

D. Workforce Implementation and Integration Challenges

            Documentation of costs, particularly pre-planning

            HRIS systems global reach-one size fits all systems

            War on tax avoidance-increasing as is government data sharing

            Data Privacy challenges as regulation grows

            Managerial compliance, partnership, educating the expat’s boss

            Rapid changes in tax, labor law, issues, how to manage change

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Financial Innovation in the Transatlantic Economy

By |2010-02-28T12:48:52-05:00February 28th, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Global Business News, Global Finance, Uncategorized|

Last week I attended a conference sponsored by EUCE (European Union Center of Excellence) on “Financial Innovation in the Transatlantic Economy”.  The conference proceedings showcased:

Generators of financial reform efforts in the US and European Union

                Future trends in regulation

                Financial challenges under Basel II

                European financial reform and access to finance and commercial bank lending

                Business growth strategies and access to capital  

The speakers included:

Mr. Edouard Franciois de Lencquesain, from Paris Europlace (former S.W.I.F.T. board member)

Dr. mark Blyth, Professor of International Political Economy, Brown University

Ms. Cecile Noziere, CEO of Finadvia LTD (formerly Credit Lyonnais)

Keith Green, Vice President of Government Relations, ING North America.

There were several key items are of interest and importance to C-Suite business leaders as they chart the cost of capital, financial reform and the likely impact on their companies.  Here are some of their comments to consider:

                a. Innovative financial products help spur business growth and this innovation is likely to continue.  What this means to companies is the way in which business are financed is likely to evolve.  Public/private partnerships are likely to continue, interbank products and services will evolve as the way in which financial institutions evaluate lending risk continues to change.  For business expanding overseas this means reliance on only bank funding will limit opportunities to grow.  Evaluating government, public/private partnerships should be thoroughly explored to maximize funding options.

                b. The financial crisis looks (looked) different to different markets.  The response to the financial crisis is quite different around the world. For example, Canada for example has weathered this particular crisis better than the US as a result of decisions taken with regard to financial risk, regulation, capital requirements and consumer behavior.  When expanding globally, consider that your firm may be evaluated using a different economic model.  Make sure you understand that country’s model and include this as part of your financial evaluation.

                Another reason that forecasting the economic crisis wasn’t more precise was the intersections of interest were not obvious because of heavily siloed organizations.  While this is a continuing problem in organizations it has particular implications for regulators.  Horizontal thinking and innovation may have helped avoid the catastrophic results of failing to share and understand information.  We need a way to look at the impact of regulation of markets so the impact across governments, institutions and borders is apparent. Failure in this area is not an option which may spur additional innovation.

                c. Politicians and regulators don’t necessarily really understand financial markets and the impact of their decisions.   In general, their ability to assess and analyze risk factors is limited and this subject is complicated.  It can only be dumbed down so far.

                d. Basel II reforms will affect large as well as small banks.  While smaller banks will not necessarily participate in Basel II, they will be affected by the risk sensitivity of capital allocation requirements, quantifying operational and credit risk, among other standards.  (Basel II is the second of the Basel Accords which are recommendations on banking laws and regulations.  The purpose is to create an international standard that banking regulators can use when creating regulations about how much capital banks need to put aside to guard against the type of financial and operational risks banks face.  Basel II attempts to accomplish this by setting up rigorous risk and capital management requirements designed to ensure that a bank holds capital reserves appropriate to the risk the bank exposes itself to through its lending and investment practices. Generally speaking, these rules mean that the greater risk to which the bank is exposed, the greater the amount of capital the bank needs to hold to safeguard its solvency and overall market stability.  It use a “three pillars” concept, A. Minimum capital requirements, B. Supervisory review and, C. Market discipline to promote greater stability in the financial system.  Basel II accords have been adopted by countries around the world but timetables and implementation vary widely.)

                e. GDP of EU is number one in the world but their influence doesn’t always equal income.  As such the EU seeks to increase competition, level the playing field and reduce risk in the financial arena.

                f. Private equity funding for small businesses will expand as cost of capital for this group tightens.  In addition to exploring government, public/private partnership groups growing companies should look to explore private equity funding opportunities.  However care must be taken to identify private equity firms with robust business experience, solid financial and operational leadership skills.  Private equity firms are also seeking to reduce their exposure to risk so an understanding of how risk is apportioned is critical.

Birchtree Global staff will be attending several financial and legal conferences over the next several weeks and will provide our clients and readers with updates and alerts.

For additional information on this article please contact Janet Walsh-01 770 590 8338.

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-13 Below at the HRPA Conference

By |2010-02-09T23:30:04-05:00February 9th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|


I am just back from Toronto and the Human Resources Professional Association annual conference where
I spoke on global HR strategy.

It was a great to be back in Toronto especially to hear the latest changes in Canadian HR legislation.
Of all the interesting activities at the conference, one that drew my attention was the work being done by the YMCA.
The Canadian Y’s around Toronto had as sophisticated a presentation as any global supplier. The Canadian Y’s offered
all sorts of self help classes and groups, job preparation seminars for example. They offered challenging team building
courses and weekend retreats. I was impressed by how this organization provided mental and physical wellness
programs and at how well they translated that into business services. Clever!

It was also “Winterlicious” festival. Since I was there with a friend who is a food and restaurant author we took full
advantage of the weekend to enjoy three scrumptious meals including the best Cantonese food I’ve ever eaten.
I’m from the North Shore of Massachusetts where the winters are long and cold. When the temperature drops and
It gets below freezing, we strap on our skis or skates and have fun outdoors. So I proposed a hour skating party
down at the rink by the docks. My Hawaiian friend thought I had really lost it and pointed out the temperature was -3
but volunteered to take pictures…see below.

It has been some time since I skated, but I strapped on my skates and staggered off immediately my helmet fell into my eyes,
blinding me then the laces came loose on the rented skates and I caromed wildly around finally ending up on a bench.
After repairing these wardrobe malfunctions I was able to enjoy the music and exercise. I never did fall unlike my
pink suited fellow skater.

Despite the cold it was fun and our Canadian HR hosts proved to be as kind and fun as I remembered. I was asked back and
look forward to seeing them all again next year.

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2010 India and Mexico New Legislation

By |2010-01-04T15:16:33-05:00January 4th, 2010|Categories: Global Business News, Uncategorized|

1. Foreign National Worker Quota for India

For those of you with operations in India…be aware that the Indian government has begun to enforce a new quota on employers sponsoring foreign workers for employment visas. With very limited exceptions, an employer must certify that the number of foreign national workers it employs in India does not exceed 1% of the total workforce or 20 foreign workers total, whichever is less. In addition, there are new tax compliance requirements for sponsors of employment visa applicants at Indian diplomatic posts in the United States.   

Contact us or your immigration attorney or global CPA for additional details.

2. Minimum Wage Increases in Mexico:

The Representative Counsel for the National Commission for Minimum Wages, through its web page, announced the increases to the general minimum daily wages for the three geographic areas of the Mexican Republic. Such wages are obligatory as of January 1, 2010.  Note that many foreign companies operating in Mexico pay substantially more than the daily minimum wage, but the daily minimum wage is often used as a multiplier for other benefits, taxes and insurances.  Make sure you check and or change your calculations to take into account these changes.

New General Daily Minimum Wage in Dollars for selected cities:

$57.46      $4.52 Mexico City
$55.84      $4.39 Guadalajara
$54.47      $4.28 Yucatan

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Destination Chile

By |2019-10-18T15:04:52-04:00December 7th, 2009|Categories: South American Business, Uncategorized|

I’ve just returned from a great program at the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce on trade and investment in Chile. From 1991-99 I traveled to Chile on a regular basis for the Mead Corporation helping to build out and set up the business.  In the past few years I’ve been up and down Chile from Santiago to Puerto Mott, Punta Arenas and seen more of the smaller towns.  (You can see some of our Chilean photos on our Facebook page.)

Ambassador Jose Goni presented a compelling story of economic development, reduction in poverty rates, investment protection, industry and LLC trade incentives.  Kathleen Barclay, from the Chilean/American Chamber of Commerce discussed opportunities for incubator and introductory services for companies in multiple business sectors including services, mining, agriculture, technology, green tech and bio tech to name a few.

For those of you looking to expand into the markets in Latin America Chile may be a very attractive destination.  For more information give us a call or check the listing of websites at the Chilean embassy site.

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Birchtree December 1 Newsletter

By |2019-10-18T15:07:24-04:00December 2nd, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Birchtree  Global Strategic Consulting                                                             December 1,  2009
In This Issue
Birchtree Global
White Papers and Reports
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links

Forum for Expatriate Management

Birchtree Global 


Birchtree globe

Birchtree Global’s new website, www.birchtreeglobal.com, is now on line.  Birchtree Global was originally part of Birchtree-HR’s suite of business services but has been spun off as its own business.  Birchtree Global, LLC provides integrated finance, tax, legal, and HR services in designed to accelerate the establishment of a clients overseas operations.  Although Birchtree Global services all industries in their global business needs, we have developed a special expertise in greentech, biotech, technology and telecom businesses.

Although Birchtree Global is a new services business it has been a part of Birchtree HR for ten years.  We will be starting a new, global business focused newsletter for current and prospective clients so if you are interested in how businesses expand overseas, let us know and we’ll add you to our new newsletter.

Companies with whom Birchtree Global services have been provided include:

Southwest Windpower
Local Matters
Sturman Industries
AVA Solar
Arinso International
Kenyon International
Pearl DC
Delta Airlines
EMS Technologies

If you would like more information about these services please contact, info@birchtreeglobal.com.



Dear Colleagues:
Janet on horse

Dear Colleagues:

We know most of you are working on closing out 2009 and developing

your strategy and tactics for 2010.  For most of us caught up in the whirl
of daily business activities the year end sometimes represents one of the
few times that we actually set aside time to plan for rather than react to

business activities.

As we look back on the research we’ve compiled for 2009 I note three

major themes that are characteristic of high performing businesses which

are directly related to business planning.

First:  Connecting HR activities and resources to company strategy to ensure

there is a clear line of sight between business objectives and HR activities.
As you look for opportunities to grow your bottom line in 2010 consider
auditing your HR activities as to their effectiveness in delivering your

company’s strategy and creating a strategic advantage for the business.

Second:  Designing HR programs around the bottom line costs of doing

business.  For example identify the business costs (i.e. cost of goods sold)
then identify the underlying HR issues that financially affect the bottom line
(i.e. turnover, high rework/scrap rates, accidents, poor up selling, poor
customer service) measure these costs metrically then create solutions that

reduce these financial pressure.

Third:  Leading the organization by connecting each employee to the organizations success.   Executives in the organization who are excellent managers London of their human capital achieve better financial and operating

results than those who are not.  Thus, businesses that develop the
management capabilities of their leadership team create  a competitive

advantage for their organization which results in improved financial metrics.

It is said in Ireland, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will

take you there”.  The business outlook for 2010 however, Off will be
demanding and financially penalize organizations that amble along without
focus.  The good news is that the three suggestions above provide a good
start to thinking about using HR activities to increase your financial

performance for 2010.

Kind regards,

Janet Walsh
(From Paradise Valley, Montana)


Birchtree HR and Elarbee Thompson
Free HRCI Webinar,
December 3, at 3:00 PM, EST
Birchtree HR and Elarbee Thompson law firm are
pleased to present a free 1.0 PHR certified lunch
and learn webinar at 3:00 PM, EST December 3.
This detailed, fact based program will focus on how
hospitality industry human resources professionals
can increase financial performance in their
businesses.   As an employee grows and excels within a
company, their knowledge, productivity and goal
achievement become more valuable. Human capital,
to most hospitality companies, is their largest
investment. Janet Walsh and attorney Doug Miller will discuss
practical and legal practices that human resource
professionals can implement to affect the company
and organizations’ overall objectives and bottom-line.
Mistakes in the management of human resources
particularly in the service based hospitality industries
can affect productivity and have costly legal
implications. As an employer, it is important to be
proactive and creative to create both financial as
well as operational strategic HR plans.

To sign up for the webinar click ET WEBINAR.  For
additional information please
call: 770 590 8338 or
email: info@birchtreeglobal.com.



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London Based Forum for Expatriate Management and Birchtree Global, LLC Announce Collaboration

By |2019-10-18T15:11:05-04:00October 12th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

Janet Walsh, CEO, Birchtree Global, LLC is pleased to announce the collaboration between Birchtree Global and the London based, Forum for Expatriate Management.  Birchtree Global will sponsor the Forum for Expatriate Management activities for the Southeastern US Region to include the states of Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

The Forum for Expatriate Management is the world’s leading website dedicated to global mobility, expatriate information, global relocation, immigration and international assignments.  The Forum provides both on line content and monthly meetings and is free for practitioners, service providers support the Forum by paying a fee to join and attend meetings.

The on line content (www.totallyexpat.com) features news, discussions, regional conference updates, white papers, and research reports with specialty sections on immigration, tax, international education, moving and relocation and much more.  The monthly meetings are focused on practitioner oriented education, information sharing, knowledge development, networking around critical issues in global assignments, expatriate issues, and relocation.

The first meeting for the Southeast Region will be held in Atlanta, GA at the City Club of Buckhead, Tuesday, November 3 from 6:00-7:30.  All interested individuals are invited to attend and will receive a downloadable copy of the report: 2009 Effective Strategies for Managing Expatriate Costs.   For additional information please call: 770 590 8338 or email: info@birchtreeglobal.com.

Birchtree Global provides consolidated financial, legal, HR and immigration resources for businesses expanding outside their home country.

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