
Webinar: European Works Council Impact on Business Strategy

By |2011-11-27T00:04:10-05:00November 27th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

The purpose of this presentation is to assist HR and Business leaders in identifying the major impact of works councils on business strategy.


In this webinar you will learn:


The impact of Works Councils on Company Strategy and Business Operations; How Staffing, Compensation,  Benefits, and Work Rules are impacted by Works Councils decisions and; The size of a company and Works Councils impact on decision making.


We will illustrate how, Works Councils affect the following HR actions.


Workforce Staffing and Mobility

Workforce Reduction and Redundancy

Flexible Work Force

Workforce Compensation and Benefits


We will describe the key considerations when developing a strategy to manage Works Councils and provide a brief review of select countries and the general characteristics of their labor councils










To sign up contact Anne Wyatt at info@birchtreeglobal.com

Date:  December 19, 2011

Time: 8:00 AM -10:00 AM  EST

Cost:  $40

Certificate:  HRCI Certified Program 2.0 GPHR/SPHR Credits


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Governor’s International Awards

By |2010-10-13T23:46:35-04:00October 13th, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Global Business News, Uncategorized|

                       Birchtree Global CEO Janet Walsh and Ambassador Andrew Young

Janet Walsh and Ambassador Andrew Young, World Trade Center Atlanta Board Members, at the 2010 Governor’s International Business Awards Gala.  Ani Agnihotri was nominated for International Business Person of the Year.  Ani was a featured participant in Birchtree-HR’s “At the Table HR Simulation”.  Congratulations Ani!

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-Forensic Diagnostic and Review Training

By |2010-08-11T15:51:09-04:00August 11th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized, Webinars|

GE, ITT, HP, Smith and Wesson, AVON, Parker Drilling, Pride International, CCI, Dow Chemical, InVision Technologies, and Baker Hughes all have been convicted of violations, fined and employees imprisoned, despite having great FCPA policies and training programs.  

Why? They faced these problems because their employees mistakenly interpreted their fiduciary responsibilities with the FCPA and made bad choices and decisions.  Management didn’t know how to evaluate what employees were actually doing  in the field.

Recognizing and diagnosing how your company implements the FCPA requirements in the field will give your firm a 360 degree review of your FCPA compliance effectiveness.

Four Ways This Program Protects Your Company: 

Identifies specific field enforcement issues

Analysis of FCPA violations and forensic review of management decisions reveals specifically what went wrong where and why.  Why did the policies and training programs at these firms fail to prevent violations?

Pinpoints chain of control and process gaps

BAJ will provide a step by step process for identifying FCPA field enforcement issues with vendors, suppliers, contractors, sub contractors, government officials and brokers.

Includes forensic diagnostic evaluation check lists

BAJ will walk you through a forensic review of contracts, vendors, suppliers, facilitating payments, chain of control, and expense account processes to determine if your firm has process gaps which will cause FCPA violations.

Provides expert, personalized review of your results

Once you have completed your field diagnostic process evaluation, participants will have a ½ hour private review of their results with Bruce Allan Johnson and his team. 

To sign up for this program email: info@birchtreeglobal.com for the registration package.

Cost: $500.00/person

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Global News for Clients

By |2010-08-02T00:23:56-04:00August 2nd, 2010|Categories: Global Business News, Global Business Strategy, Uncategorized|

August 1, the Dubai government ordered all text messages via cell phones blocked.  This was sudden and caught many gulf businesses by surprise. 

Scott Moran, global attorney and Latin American expert, says he is seeing more investment activity in Uruguay. Despite the left of center government they have as an objective to create a “Switzerland” of Latin America.   Montevideo, Uruguay is only a short ferry ride from Buenos Aires.  Chile, Colombia and Brazil remain other popular destinations, however with varying tax consequences.

Glen Faulk’s firm, BAL Global has reported that India’s cap on expatriates per company (20) has been reversed to the relief of companies with large expatriate populations in India.  However the new UK coalition government will be implementing a permanent immigration quota in 2011 which will bring levels of immigration to the 1990’s rate.  This new policy will dramatically reduce the numbers of non-Europeans allowed to live and work in the UK. 

Janet Walsh, Birchtree Global’s CEO, reports back from speaking at several professional and industry conferences for the medical, hospital and executive staffing industries this month that business leaders are looking at what creates market based competitive advantage then tailoring their business strategies around these metrics to increase financial performance.  Often they are looking to the HR business partner to drive business metrics by better crafting compensation and talent management programs.

Dr. Jay Hakes, Director of the Carter Center Library, and green energy expert, has been tapped to serve as part of the Obama administration gulf clean up and monitoring efforts.  We have introduced several of our green energy clients to Dr. Hakes and he has been very helpful in sharing his thoughts on the future of green energy.  So, the next time you see that algae in your pool…it might be your energy of tomorrow.

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Atlanta Call for Speakers

By |2010-08-02T00:22:39-04:00August 2nd, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Forum for Expatriate Management, Uncategorized|

The Southeast Regional Forum for Expatriate Management (150+members) based in Atlanta has announced a “Call for Speakers” to address the global members.  The members of this group are global practitioners in global mobility/HR/business and are looking for programs on areas of interest to managers of global workforces and services.  If you have a presentation on any of these issues and would like to speak to the group, let us know, info@birchtreeglobal.com.

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Recent Projects

By |2010-08-02T00:21:33-04:00August 2nd, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Uncategorized|

Multiple start up “Company in a Box” activities for businesses going to Shanghai, Manila, UK, Germany, USA, Brazil and India-with partner firms

Talent and Expatriate Management strategy and tactics for a medium sized, software firm expanding into Europe and Latin America

Compensation salary grades and ranges for several medium sized services firms expanding from the US into Latin American and Europe

HR compensation, benefits and expatriate management program for rapidly growing green energy business with multinational operations in Europe and Asia

HR total rewards and talent management strategy for global services business in EU

Multiple expatriate management and talent management programs for new services multinationals expanding into the UK, Brazil, China, India, and UAE

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act educational program for global professional service business

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Birchtree Global Strategic Alliances

By |2010-08-02T00:20:21-04:00August 2nd, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Uncategorized|

Forum Corporation: 

Founded in 1971 Forum is a global leader in linking learning to strategic business objectives.  Forum provides accelerated organizational training strategies to grow, change, and perform.  They are recognized leaders in strategic training with offices around the globe.  Birchtree Global and the Forum are combining resources to serve clients expanding outside their home region who need a strong, global HR strategic plan to support their growing business needs.

HR Capital Partners, Denver:

HR Capital Partners, LLC is a strategic Human Resources Consulting Firm specializing in complex, critical projects working directly with CEO’s and other C-Suite executives across a set of broad-based industries. HR Capital Partners, headed up by former Staples (Corporate Express) VP of Global HR, John O’Loughlin, will help serve Birchtree’s western region clients and contribute valuable expertise in maximizing CEO and board relationships including compensation committees, global HR strategy and HR talent management programs.

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New Webinars

By |2010-08-02T00:18:43-04:00August 2nd, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized, Webinars|

“Establishing Your Business Overseas”

Birchtree Global and their leadership team of global attorney’s, CPA’s, and HR experts, will be providing a four part global webinar on starting a business overseas.  The program is 1 ½ hours weekly, each Wednesday from 12-1:30, starting August 25.  This program is designed to educate business leaders and global business teams in the steps involved in taking their business overseas-particularly the process for developing a global tax strategy, legal form and incorporation, financial registration, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act issues, HR infrastructure, employer/employee requirements, and expatriate management.  The previous program was sold out. Attendees have included CEO’s, CFO’s, Presidents, GM’s, VP’s of HR.  Cost for clients is $250.00/person (6.0 GPHR/SPHR)

“Expatriate Selection and Technology”

Barry Kozloff president, SRI International will speak on how to leverage technology to improve expatriate selection and enhance performance.  Barry’s advice is very timely particularly if your firm’s expatriate expense budget is growing. September 23, 12-1:30 PM, Free. (1.5 GPHR)

“How to Interview”

This program helps managers improve their ability to select high performing employees by better reading resumes, identifying success characteristic in positions, creating specific, talent revealing interview questions, learning how to manage the interview experience, ensure less turnover and better job fit.  This is specifically designed to help managers who want to get better quality employees, quicker and retain them longer.  August 4, and 11, from 12-1:30 EST. $50/participant includes workbook and ½ hour consultation.

“Field Enforcement-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act”

With BAJ, legal and financial experts this program focuses on identifying field enforcement problems and suggests ways to overcome the gap between home office training and employee decision making activities in country.  Tips to forensically uncover potential issues will be described.  Dates to be announced shortly.  Pre-registration required.  $500.00/person.

To register for any of these programs, please email Info@birchtreeglobal.com for registration packet.    All credit cards and PayPal payments are accepted.

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Who Owns Your Company Brand?

By |2010-04-27T13:29:51-04:00April 27th, 2010|Categories: Global Business Strategy, Uncategorized|

Who owns your brand? Companies that spend a fortune on branding their image and nurturing their name are finding that their image is being shaped by social media and technology enabled communication.

This is not a new phenomenon, but it does have widespread implications. For example, I was teaching a class in business leadership in the fall of 1990 when Coke settled their discrimination lawsuit for $192 million dollars. Steve Bucherati, formerly the director of global human resources was subsequently picked to head the Coke “reconstruction” team, and rebuild Coke’s image. He said that most internal Coke senior leaders were surprised at their image as people who discriminated. They truly thought of themselves as an inclusive company that would, “…like to teach the world to sing…” They were surprised when they discovered the perception of the company was one in which blacks and women didn’t always find it easy to bubble to the top.

Students in my leadership class at the time were nonplused about the information. “So what else is new?” and “Of course we knew that!” were the most common comments from the Atlanta based, men and women MBA students, mostly black, in the class.

That “word of mouth” network pre-2000 has expanded to include employees, customers, applicants, supply chain providers and the general public all of whom are connected to social media sites that offer plenty of opportunity to tell their version of the company’s brand. We are now faced with company brand images shaped by powerful social media forces that include ready access to electronic platforms, anonymous discussion boards on bad bosses, rating sites, and LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. It is an ocean of information that no amount of internet firewalls can stop.

But, does stopping employees from using social networking sites ultimately help us in our search for developing a strong and attractive brand? Or, is reading the comments of participants on social networking sites just another way of looking in the mirror to see if we really are the company we think we are?

Employees, clients, customers and supply chain members will use social networking so why not monitor your brand on these channels and use it as a means to be plugged into the pulse of your employees? Monitoring brand image like this takes very little time and money. Including social media analysis of your company brand can be an effective way to keep track of how your firm is perceived in the market. Leveraging that social media network by hosting sites that represent your interests by product, functional department and enterprise puts company leaders in contact with the market.

Salespeople know it is tough to sit in front of a customer, get nailed and chewed out because a product or service didn’t live up to its brand image but other professionals in an organization particularly those in finance, HR, and IT don’t always hear this news first hand. The department manager who bungles a performance appraisal for an employee, the applicant who didn’t get selected, the supplier who didn’t get paid on time provide feedback in the social networking world that represents an important bottom line metric like, turnover, attraction rate, payables. These comments, added to statistical trends add insight into the perception of the company brand.

A company’s brand image is critical in today’s environment as the economy begins to improve turnover of good employees will increase. Given a shortage of highly regarded skilled workers partially caused by the baby boomers retirement, staffing and bench strength development is a key concern for company leaders. Top employees are always being sought after and now, in this environment, they are even more attractive.

Smart companies are beginning to realize that their employee brand is not only the prevue of the marketing department but is owned by all those connected to the organization. They are using social media in a positive way to provide employees with internal blogs, inviting related individuals to post and blog in virtual workplace “jellies”, and encouraging employee “thought leaders” to reach out and work in social media to promote their brand. They embrace the public performance appraisal and seek to correct the root causes of any disconnect proactively and before issues become a public problem. It is about the company culture and living the values.

How does your firm use social networking to promote your brand image and to attract and retain top talent?

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By |2010-03-04T20:35:18-05:00March 4th, 2010|Categories: Birchtree News, Global Business News, Uncategorized, Webinars|

“Establishing a Business Overseas” 

Your clients are global and they want you by their side.  How does that work?

What are the key issues that will challenge your profitability and performance?

How much will it cost, what are the hidden costs?

What is the “artificial economy” for green/bio tech/tech organizations?

Join the global, legal, financial, and HR start up experts at “Birchtree Global” as they share their experiences in 70 plus countries in this dynamic webinar. 

To Register:  Info@birchtreeglobal.com

Cost:  $200/person

Agenda and Schedule

Begin With the End in Mind…

March 11, 12:00-1:30 PM

What characterizes success in global expansion and what are “Killer Assumptions”?
What factors enhance a successful outcome?  What are the key risks and costs?
Understanding how the game is played overseas and the economics of politics
Global business structures pro’s and con’s of joint ventures, sales offices
Understanding global trade requirements and import/export/restrictions
What is the artificial economy for green tech/bio med/technology?
Organizing global teams for maximum performance

Enhancing Profitability from Global Operations…

March 18, 12:00-1:30 PM

It’s all about the Benjamin’s, developing a global tax strategy and repatriating profits
Leaving profits in country and government restrictions on profit repatriation
Alternative financing arrangements, identifying country/region/city incentives
Shelf company or new establishment and the cost of incorporation        
Labor law requirements, who controls your workforce and unions

The “People Face” of Your Company…

March 25, 12:00-1:30 PM

Who’s going to do the work…cost/benefits/expat ROI/Expatriates/Inpatriates?
The employer/employee contract…surprise, you can’t hire or fire at will!
Critical selection decisions, how you are perceived and local labor law
Your new business partners-the Union and the Government
Why selection and performance management are of the utmost importance
Compensation issues, statutory and non-statutory benefits, stock options

Global Process Management and Integration…

April 1, 12:00-1:30 PM

The “three legged stool”, integration of tax, legal, HR issues
Workforce integration-cultural issues-knowledge management
Global financial management, it’s all about the Benjamins/Euros/Pesos…Regulation, what’s regulated…? 
Data Privacy requirements
Ethics, the difference between a tip and a bribe and what to do about it
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, enforcement is becoming critical
Safety, protecting employees, equipment and your business

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