
Curious about Cuba? Want to see for yourself?

By |2013-07-28T20:43:15-04:00July 28th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Curious about Cuba?  Want to see for yourself?

Details coming soon. Rotary trip to Cuba planned for February 23-March 1, 2014.

This 7 Day, 6 Night trip is being developed to further understand the business, art, history of Cuba. Havana was the site of the first Rotary Club established outside of the United States. We will post details as they are available and as the trip is finalized. To join the mailing list for this trip, email: info@birchtreeglobal.com. We’ll keep you updated as the trip progresses.

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Janet Walsh and Clive Cussler

By |2013-07-10T15:01:09-04:00July 10th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Janet Walsh and Clive Cussler

Tuesday, July 10 was a memorable night at the Explorer’s Club in New York City. The author and fellow Explorer’s Club Member Clive Cussler came and regaled us with hilarious stories about his writing, exploration, car collecting, and “Madman” activities. He was at the same time charming, fascinating, droll, and a great raconteur. When I mentioned that I didn’t care much for flying and always took one of his books as a distraction, he commented that women usually took him to bed….(…reading his books!) One could immediately see where his protagonist, “Dirk Pitt” got his sense of humor.

Since I have to do a lot of writing I have been asking the authors I’ve met how they stay focused on composing for long periods of time. Christopher Buckley mentioned as a joke, “Adderall” then said he really got into his stories and didn’t find it too easy to get distracted. Clive mentioned he stayed very disciplined working to complete an average of four pages a day in writing and editing. Given Clive was a creative director in his early career it would seem staying focused on writing comes easily.

An addition to a very successful career as an author, Clive founded NUMA the National Underwater and Marine Agency to fund his search for shipwrecks. Notable finds for which he is associated include; the Hunley-a submarine first used in the U.S. Civil War; the Carpathia-the ocean liner responsible for rescuing the Titanic survivors; the Mary Celeste-famous 1872 ghost ship found abandoned in the Atlantic.

He is also a collector of antique automobiles and owns over 100 historic cars. They are housed in the Cussler Museum outside of Golden, Colorado. The cars range in age from a 1906 Stanley Steamer to 1965 Corvette Stingray. The can’t compete in my opinion however, with the 1929 burnt orange Duesenberg.

If you don’t know much about Clive Cussler I encourage you to look at his website, museum and perhaps pick up one of his Dirk Pitt novels. They are guaranteed to keep you distracted while flying…!

Janet Walsh

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Changes coming to Birchtree Global, LLC!

By |2013-06-27T13:23:39-04:00June 27th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

New changes are coming to Birchtree Global, LLC.  Birchtree Global has embarked on a major overhaul of our websites and information portals.  Changes coming include a new logo, easier to navigate website, and accessible white papers, blogs, new services, and information updates.



Stay tuned!

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Indian Business Professionals Celebration

By |2013-06-27T13:16:17-04:00June 27th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Indian Business Professionals Celebration

Janet Walsh, president elect, Bedford-Armonk Rotary Club hosted a farewell dinner party for Bangalore Rotary professionals visiting from India. The group had a rollicking good time sharing funny stories about travel around the US and India. Serious issues were shared as well including public health challenges, new business development, and future exchange programs. “What is great about the Rotary program is the ability to come together and work on projects that advance the common good,” said Janet Walsh. “We raised $2,500 for the Bangalore Rotary sponsored school for underprivileged students. The children we sponsor will have a better life and improve the future of their families and communities.”

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Cay Gliebe Joins Birchtree Global

By |2013-05-28T16:45:29-04:00May 28th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Cay Gliebe Joins Birchtree Global

Birchtree Global is pleased to announce Cay Gliebe has joined the firm as Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing. Cay brings to Birchtree strong sales and marketing leadership experience in global technology and outsourcing companies.
Her skills include sales leadership & execution, process improvement (Six Sigma and TQM), people strategy design & execution, business & HR transformation, and global business. Cay is in demand as a Thought Leader speaking at and leading industry events. Her broad experiences will help Birchtree clients define and execute their sales, marketing, and HR transformation strategies more cost effectively. Cay’s experience includes executive, C-Suite leadership positions with the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, i-nexus, Northgate Arinso, and Convergys.

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Birchtree Global Education

By |2013-05-22T14:56:10-04:00May 22nd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Birchtree Global is pleased to announce the Forum for Expatriate Management program in New York, June 18, 2013 has received 4.5 GPHR HRCI recertification credits.  For more information see: www.totallyexpat.com.


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Position Opening-Vice President Executive Sales

By |2013-04-03T11:50:05-04:00April 3rd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Birchtree Global is seeking a vice president executive sales to join our management team. We are growing our suite of business services in our education and training division and need to complement our executive team with someone who understands the dynamics of sales to C-Suite leaders. This individual should be an experienced sales professional with experience selling into the C-Suite of executives including VP Sales, Finance, IT, and HR. Experience using the Challenger sales methodology would be helpful. This individual can contribute to growing the business by their sales expertise but also in an advisory capacity to the team.

We offer a base salary, generous bonus, and benefits. Individuals can work from home. Individuals interested in working part-time, recently retired executives or independent contractors are encouraged to apply.

Please contact us at Info@birchtreeglobal.com to submit a resume or for further information.


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“Transformational Sales to HR Leaders” now available!

By |2013-03-18T10:33:27-04:00March 18th, 2013|Categories: Birchtree News, Global Business Strategy, Uncategorized|

transformational sales to HR leaders

Birchtree Global’s “Transformational Sales to HR Leaders” is now available to staffing, education, benefits, relocation, and HR software firms. Birchtree’s customized training program was developed to help sales professionals increase revenues by becoming a trusted advisor to C-Suite human resource leaders.

Birchtree’s extensive, in-depth research incorporated interviews with Fortune 500 CEOs, HR VPs, respected thought leaders, and SHRM, ISHRM, and LinkedHR professional organizations. Newly commissioned, exclusive research on executive personality identified critical communication issues between HR leaders and their CEOs.

The resulting twelve content models describe the real work environment of HR leaders. High impact transactions, real-life case studies, recent articles, surveys, statistics, and quizzes are used to highlight the dynamic curriculum.

Birchtree’s distinguished team of Fortune 500 CEOs and HR VPs serve as teaching faculty. These executives provide unique, insider access to executive conversations between the VP HR and the CEO-conversations that help sales professionals understand how buying decisions are made.

Program results are impressive. One Fortune 200 client describes this program as, “…a game changer for our business.” and the program is now required for all 6,000 sales professionals in the organization.

For additional information and case studies, contact Info@birchtreeglobal.com or call (01) 914 218-3149.

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John Glenn and Joe Walsh EC Dinner

By |2013-03-18T09:29:56-04:00March 18th, 2013|Categories: Birchtree News, Uncategorized|

Joe and John Glenn

2013 marked a milestone with Philip Walsh Sr. joining niece Janet Walsh as a member of the Explorer’s Club.  Phil is an amature archeologist with significant experience working on excavations around the world.  John Glenn was the featured speaker and we enjoyed spending time with him.  John Glenn is a charming and kind man who goes out of his way to meet and encourage younger people.

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Business in Bangalore

By |2013-01-22T14:04:53-05:00January 22nd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

The next several days of the Rotary Exchange Trip were spent in exploring the social and cultural delights of Bangalore, visiting businesses and talking about our business issues and Rotary community projects.


I was very fortunate to be staying with the Gurjar’s. Our host, Mohan Gurjar is the President of a company that manufactures portable generators. A good guy to know when the hurricanes topple the trees in Bedford. His wife, Nandita Gurjar is the Senior Vice President of Human Resources for Infosys, managing 150,000 thousand employees. I particularly was fascinated with Nandita’s description of how Infosys has integrated their cultural values across the organization. For example, in India most people live in an extended family environment. For medical care Indians can nominate the people they wish to have covered by insurance-for example, husband and spouse and two kids, or husband and spouse and two parents. In this way extended families living together benefit from insurance coverages. This benefits working families and supports family health.

We visited the Deccan Herald Publishing Offices; a 54 years ago firm that is a reflection of the optimism and aspirations of the state of Karnataka. The firm produces a regional paper. The manufacturing AGM told me circulation is increasing but they expect that their news provided on hand held devices will become more common as the years increase. Contributing to the popularity of the paper (using recycled paper) is the coupons and advertisements.

Indo-American Hybrid Seeds Offices was particularly interesting. Dr. Manmohan Attavar is a national treasure. He is a horticulturalist and business owner pioneering the development of hybrid plant technology. He develops and produces hybrid seeds that produce plants with higher yields or in the case of flowers more vibrant blooms. He has worked closely with the University of Montana in the development of crops. I asked him if the narrow genetic base of corn plants used in ethanol would leave them subject to widespread viruses and he opined that no, there was enough diversity and diversity in location to overcome mass contamination.

Organic farm K. Vijaykumar owner took us around his organic farm and explained how he integrated the trees (providing shelter and food for birds that ate bugs), plants, shrubs and cows producing organic fertilizer. He is selling all he produces and the farm has grown from a hobby operation to a dynamic business with and increasing demand for organics particularly in the restaurant industry.

The silk manufacturing facility in Mysore we visited produces bolts of finely woven silk and gold thread sari’s as well as other materials. The least expensive fabric 6 meters of red and gold silk fabric was approximately $300. The most expensive was described as costing $200,000. In the weaving room we saw over 30 large, old fashioned, industrial looms operated by men, pounding out intricately woven silk. The designs were guided by computer technology and attached to the looms with the operator monitoring the progress of the fabric. There were few safety guides in evidence and most people were not wearing ear protection despite the loud clatter from the machines.

The Toyota Manufacturing Center was the highlight of the visit. Toyota has done a remarkable job integrating their manufacturing facility into the heart and soul of the Indian culture to such an extent that Toyota is regarded as an Indian institution. Toyota produces 120,000 cars per year build especially for the Indian market. Their campus is located outside of Bangalore on a 432 acre campus with 8 primary suppliers (out of 108) also on site. There are a total of 13,000 full and part time employees at the facility. We watched cars being built from sheet metal through gassing up and driving off the assembly line.

There were no women on the production line because Indian has a labor regulation that says women cannot work in production facilities. This may seem surprising to a US worker, but note that busses run erratically, shifts start very early or end very late in the day, women are not always safe moving about at those times.

Toyota has a very low turnover rate. According to their HR executives, the low turnover is due to the support Toyota provides workers. For example Toyota has a fleet of 310 busses making 3 shift trips per day to pick up and return workers to their homes.

Our tour of Toyota was directed by their head of recruitment from the HR department. I was impressed at the business knowledge, and lean manufacturing expertise of the HR leadership.

This facility also provides a unique program for 65 students from poor families to learn car manufacturing in a structured, live in program for young men. By training these young men to have a career in auto production Toyota ensures a good supply of trained employees but as importantly helps enrich their community by helping low income students become productive employees which in turn helps them provide for their extended families.

We also visited a coffee milling factory and a service award distribution facility among other locations.

Issues facing the business community included the upward pressure on labor rates exercised by the information technology businesses, forcing businesses to increase salaries or develop retention practices. Retention practices that provided positive results included offering meals, transportation, and free education, some housing and medical services.

I’ll describe the education and health projects in the next installment of this report.

If you have any specific questions or comments, email: walsh@birchtreeglobal.com.

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