
Happy 18th Birthday Birchtree Global

By |2016-01-04T21:14:15-05:00January 4th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Hard Rock Cafe ShanghaiAs of January 1, 2106 Birchtree Global celebrates its 18th year in business.  I was in the Hard Rock Café in Shanghai, part of a delegation of manufacturing executives on a state visit to China, when I made the decision to create Birchtree Global.  What would make Birchtree Global different would be providing the integrated legal, financial, tax, and HR infrastructures services to establish clients in new markets.  An integrated approach was needed, I reasoned, because without knowledge of how all these issues fit together, very poor outcomes resulted.  I’d worked in global business long enough to see the effects of decision-making built around maximizing only tax strategy and not considering the labor market constraints, or not selecting the appropriate legal structures, or failing to educate the rest of the company management and employees in the new global business reality. I wanted to fill this void with a business service company that helped clients establish a competitive business in new markets.

I spent the next year working hard, saving money, and taking extra teaching jobs to stash money in the bank for the “grand opening.”  I agree with Gene Simmons of Kiss in his recent book “Me, Inc.” that you can find a lot more time and money to start a business if you organize yourself and maximize your available resources….and give up TV…and eat Ramen noodles-a lot.  On January 1, 1999 Birchtree Global was born.

How does Birchtree Global look compared to United States businesses?  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, after 18 years, about 25% of all small businesses are still in business.  Small businesses with less than 500 employees make up approximately 28.2 million businesses with 75% of those businesses being non-employers.  By contrast there are more than 17,700 firms employing more than 500 people.  However, 63% of net-new private-sector jobs are provided by small employers and a whopping 98% of all firms exporting goods.  Small firms accounted for 14.3 million of the 22.9 million new jobs between 1993 and 2013.  Since the end of the recession (from mid-2009 to mid-2013), small firms accounted for 60 percent of the net new jobs.  Small firms in the 20-499 employee category led job creation.*

Our success is due to our terrific clients which have given our us a chance to add value to their businesses.  We’ve worked with great colleagues who have added much to our business-Rick Gimbert’s global tax strategies, Jim McGuirk’s C-Suite expertise, and John O’Loughlin’s CHRO perspectives.  These are three of the most outstanding individuals with whom I’ve had the pleasure to know.  Steve, Aoife, Ludi, Gilberto, Nadia, Sam, Ken, Stephen, Tom, and an army of Bucknell University Interns over the last 18 years have made tremendous contributions to our client’s operational success.  They are all simply the best people with whom you can work.

In 2016 we start the New Year welcoming several new clients and becoming more familiar with our new Learning Management System (LMS).  Our new LMS will allow us to aggregate resources for our clients making it easier for them to access cutting-edge global information.  The new LMS also makes it easier for them to learn more about our partner firms and their services.

I’m personally looking forward to finalizing my doctorate in business administration.  The day “the doctor is in” will be a company holiday and Dom Perignon will be the featured guest(s)!  I now know why so many of the doctoral dissertations I’ve read begin by thanking a divine being.  Developing “Success characteristics of foreign direct investment in Cuba” for the last three years has been revealing and very interesting given the thaw in Cuban/American relations. I’ve greatly enjoyed meeting global business and government leaders around the world particularly Cuban Minister Arietta, Cuban UN Ambassador Rodriguez, CEO David McMillian, CEO Tom Popper, and Dr. Richard Feinberg.  They have inspired me.  When completed I will share this research through publication and through our LMS data base programming.  Hint, the results are not what you might think!

Our latest, award winning, research, “Linking Theory” has just been published and is available online through the EBSCO-Host and PRO-Quest data bases.  This research adds to the way our team reviews global startups and has helped us create a methodology to diagnose and correct financial under performance for clients.

We will continue to base our client recommendations, as we have since the beginning, on fact-based, strategic analysis to drive increased financial performance.  We have new tools and research capabilities which gives us an unparalleled foundation for thought leadership.  Offering products and advice that is both scalable and flexible gives clients a customized suite of services that enables their financial performance with world-class resources.

We are all excited and happy to welcome the New Year and look forward to contributing to our communities and causes.  The Explorers Club Young Explorers Program, The SPCA, and Rotary International, are some of the organizations we support.

Today the Hard Rock Cafe in Shanghai is no longer in business, but Birchtree Global is flourishing.  It seems to me as an amateur archaeologist and paleontologist that the race doesn’t go to the biggest, strongest, or loudest, it goes to the most adaptable.  So for 2016 we wish all our clients, friends, and colleagues, much success in adapting to the challenges and opportunities that will come in 2016.  May you all live long and prosper!

**U.S. Census Bureau, SUSB, CPS; International Trade Administration; Bureau of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002-2010, www.sba.gov/advocacy/7540/42371.

Photo from: Ricardo Sorzi, 2003

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Strategic Planning for 2016: Using Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to Measure Economic Activity

By |2015-10-15T11:34:33-04:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

October is the month in which organizations large and small begin their strategic planning activities for the next year.  For companies expanding overseas or looking to increase their financial performance in specific industries “Gross Domestic Product” or GDP, is a frequently used metric measure.  GDP is broadly defined as the total value of production within a country’s boundaries.  GDP is a useful measure of a country’s economic health, but there are some caveats to consider, particularly when thinking about foreign direct investment (FDI) in specific countries.  Using only the general measure of GDP may not be as accurate a measure of economic health as would be uncovered in more substantial research.

For example, GDP is not designed to measure economic inequality, living standards, health, environmental pollution, and home worker output.  GDP also does not measure whether or not the output is produced by a small number of wealthy individuals or produced by the entire population’s efforts.  GDP does not tell you if the output is the result of multiple industries or the result of only a few industries or natural resources.

For better strategic planning consider supplementing the GDP measure to include alternative GDP numbers such as Real GDP (GDP + Price Index); Net Domestic Product (NDP) (GDP-capital consumption allowance).  There are many macroeconomic ways to measure economic information, these are just two.

An excellent report to access is the 2015 Trade and Development Report from the United Nations Council on Trade and Economic Development.  We use this report at Birchtree Global, coupled with others to look at FDI trends worldwide.  It can be accessed from: http://unctad.org/en/pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=1358.  The report notes recovery in developed countries and challenges in developing/transition economies suggest the global crisis lingers.  The main concern is “insufficient global demand, combined with financial fragility and instability, and growing inequality.”  Early demand from our clients suggests continued expansion into Germany, China, India, Mexico, Ireland, the UK, Vietnam, Singapore, and Canada, coupled with growing interest in Cuba as a potential destination.  Cuba, for example, is one country that would use a variation of measures in addition to GDP to account for economic and social progress.

For additional information consider the following resources:

Chamberlin, G. (2011). Gross domestic product, real income and economic welfare. Economic & Labour Market Review, 5(5), 5-25.

The Economist.  (2015, October 13).  Money Talks: The GDP Conundrum.  The Economist.com.

The United Nationals Council on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  Multiple resources.  (http://unctad.org/en/Pages/Publications.aspx)

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Birchtree Global Update: The US Economy-2016 and Beyond

By |2015-10-05T11:06:20-04:00October 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

A challenging activity at year end is strategic planning for the upcoming period.  Gathering and correctly interpreting information from multiple research-based sources increases planning accuracy.  Companies with current or future global markets for products and services will find the October 3, 2015 Economist Magazine special report on the United States in the world economy to be of interest.  While companies may find overall negativity in economic reports (weak global demand for products and services, drop in commodity prices, lower inflation, and anemic corporate performance) growth in specific countries and markets exist.  The option to leverage greater growth in foreign markets allows more choices than remaining fixed in only one country or market.  However the Federal Reserve Bank’s anticipated tightening may well disrupt emerging markets.  Those businesses looking to invest in emerging markets might review the Economist article as well as the most recent World Bank’s research reports.  Opportunities exist, but they require digging and research.

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Cattle Drives and Cuba

By |2015-09-28T12:39:24-04:00September 28th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|


From the perspective of twenty-five years in foreign direct investment in developing countries, the rush to “develop” business operations in Cuba resembles a stampede of cattle.  But, as every cattle baron knows, the profitable way to drive cattle to market is slowly-so they don’t lose weight.  The stampede is really about first mover advantage.  Consider the pros and cons of first mover advantage when thinking about doing business in an emerging market.

First mover advantage is tricky.  Research shows it does not always result in financial or operational advantages.  First mover advantage may allow firms to develop meaningful relationships with government officials, develop franchise opportunities, and work with better employees.

However, first mover advantage is affected by timing, strategic choices, company resources, and investments.  These complex decisions are made by the business executives charged with managing market entry.  Market entry decisions made by individuals and groups of individuals in a company are ordinarily complex.  Managers select the best market entry processes based on something less than full knowledge.  When decisions are made in a rushed environment, without full knowledge of the political, economic, financial, human capital, and regulatory environment, first mover advantage disappears.  Effective managerial decision-making in market entry involves the way in which managers minimize transaction costs and maximize real option value creation.

New market entry is facilitated by developing meaningful relationships with government and financial officials, leveraging human capital capabilities, mutual education in cross cultural objectives, knowledge of legal rights and processes, and risk management.  Research suggests innovation by late movers can overcome first mover advantages.  There is a road map.  In emerging market planned economies, the political and economic environments are evolving.  As such advantages gained from a first-mover strategy may not be retained over time as the country evolves.

Successful first mover organizations entering these types of markets have developed a robust network of professionals to provide experiential advice and counsel.  Successful first movers develop good relationships with government and community officials.  Above all, successful first movers are well organized.  They have a well thought out strategy delivered across a strong communication and technology platform that links business activities to the customer.  Human resources, finance, and operations are cross-functionally connected across mechanisms such as lean or total quality management.  Training and continuous learning for home and host operations is embedded in the company’s DNA.

With developing markets in planned economies consider how China and Vietnam have developed into robust trading partners.  Both large and small firms have successfully created business operations of mutual value in these markets.  However, note until the Helms-Burton Act is overturned by the United States Congress, the Cuban market is highly restricted to United States foreign direct investment.  Now is the time to make haste slowly.  Get to market with your investment intact when it is legal to do so.

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Birchtree Global Acquires New Learning Management System

By |2015-09-24T10:08:03-04:00September 24th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Birchtree Global has acquired a new learning management system (LMS) to facilitate information sharing between clients and our in-network business partners.   The objective of the program is to share the peer-reviewed research, webinars, podcasts, white papers, and pamphlets produced by our leading professional service firm partners.  This material incorporates both rigorous academic standards as well as applied business knowledge.  It allows our customers continual access to updates and information on legal, financial, tax, and human resources global business subjects.  It allows our in-network business partners a way to stay in touch with their Birchtree customers.

The new LMS will give Birchtree an expanded delivery platform and include multiple options for training and organizing in the virtual classroom. Individual training programs can be configured for online learning, independent learning, and group discussions.  Materials can be used with embedded videos, text, books, podcasts, tests, and quizzes.  Live streaming video of the instructor and students is a helpful feature.  Participants can ask questions of the instructor, each other, work alone or in teams.

Our clients will benefit from this expanded LMS which offers much more connectivity with the instructor and material than older webinar technology.  Clients will be continually updated on specific business themes, rather then falling behind in their global knowledge.  If you would like to see a demonstration of the LMS or learn more, please contact us at information@birchtreeglobal.com.

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Reducing Negative Organizational Politics

By |2015-04-02T09:40:38-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|


Have you seen the effect of negative organizational politics in your business?  Most of us see politics as part of the business environment.  What most people don’t realize is the structure of the organization has much to do with the nature of politics, positive or negative.  As a result, you can evaluate the structure of an organization and its effect on the internal political environment.  Outlined below is a summary of what causes negative organization politics and what you can do to change a negative political dynamic.

Context in Leadership, is important (Day & Antonakis, 2012). A model for working with politics in large multinationals might not be as effective when working in smaller consultancies (Smeltzer, Fannagry, & Butterfield, 1989). As such, this paper focuses on organizational politics in smaller, global, businesses. To create a workable theory for managing organizational politics in this type organization, the role of corporate culture in high-performing businesses and the leadership style of the executive are considered. Specific determinants of corporate cultures effective in reducing negative politics are described. Critical pathways necessary to deliver business strategy and financial performance with an absence of negative politics are suggested. The alignment of human resources compensation, performance management, and training infrastructure is stressed. Finally the importance of linking the communication and technology platforms to improve internal communications, is discussed. The resulting analysis builds to a model of organizational infrastructure that promotes a positive political environment. The individual and corporate implications of this model are suggested.

Corporate Culture in a High Performing Small Global Consultancy

Major issues facing organizations in the 21st century include globalization of products and markets, uncertainty and risk, financial market interconnectivity, workforce demographics, organizational infrastructure responsiveness, uncertainty, and risk management (Lloyds of London, 2013; Luftman, et.al 2004; Ogrean & Herciu, 2014; Shittedi, 2014; Wren, 1995). In this environment, successful organizations develop fast, friendly, focused, and flexible customer-centered infrastructure (Kotze, 2002). Organizational politics are neither inherently good nor bad, but positive political cultures improve strategic decision making and organizational performance (Simmers, 1998; McDonagh & Umbdenstock, 2006). Thus, analyzing corporate culture to determine the role of organizational politics in achieving or impeding success in the global market offers a starting place to develop a positive model of organizational politics. Components of corporate culture that create or imped organizational politics include the underlying leadership style, moral and ethical guidelines, and organizational structures (McDonagh & Umbdenstock 2006).

In smaller, global organizations, the actions of the leader are very visible. The leadership style of the executive decision maker affects the organization’s political environment (McDonagh & Umbdenstock 2006). Because global organizations work in multiple countries and cultures, an adaptive theory of leadership is more helpful than non-adaptive leadership styles in creating harmonized cross-border transactions. For example, Hofstede’s cross-cultural theory of leadership addresses the effect of cultural differences on leadership (Hofstede, 1991). Understanding cultural differences help a leader adapt his or her style to one most effective in a particular situation. For example, knowledge of collectivism vs. individualism is helpful in managing groups and knowledge of power distance helps leaders adjust their style to the group dynamics (Hofstede, 1991).

The contingency theory suggests organizational need dictates organization management (Nahavandi, 2006). This theory has the advantage of adapting to circumstances. For example, people do not always know what they want or need or have the experience or expertise to identify it (Bera, P., Burton-Jones, A., Ward, Y., 2011).

Both Hofstede and contingency theory offer a deeper understanding of both differences in cultures as well as differences among individuals. Embracing and encouraging multiple perspectives under these collaborative theories reduces negative political behavior such as non-inclusive, non-participative, and non-welfare-enhancing political processes (Gotsis, & Kortezi, 2011; McDonagh & Umbdenstock 2006). Thus companies with leadership behaviors that embrace multiple differences in employees, customers, and constituencies offer an environment conducive to positive politics. However, these theories are of limited utility if the leader cannot physically organize the delivery of a multi-cultural workforce’s efforts toward customer satisfaction. The knowledge of global group dynamics is helpful, but infrastructure, particularly technology, communication, human resources, and a strategy/structure infrastructure is needed to link products and services to customers.

Moral and Ethical Guidance

Legal, moral, and ethical guidance is available from multiple sources such as the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) which provide legal guidelines, information, and online classes to help organizations develop skills in global ethics and compliance (Department of Justice, 2015; United Nations, 2015). A framework for integrating a corporation’s legal and ethical position into a cohesive and well-understood set of guidelines for employees facilitates decision-making when the optimal decisions are not clear. Many multinational organizations use ethics training to align employee and managerial behaviors with the legal requirements of cross-border transactions (Walmart, 2014; Bank of America, 2014). Clarity as to what constitutes positive employee performance reduces the development of a negative political environment (McDonagh & Umbdenstock, 2006).

Political behaviors increase when corporate rules, employee behaviors, and consequences are not well aligned. Organizations in which clear ethical guidelines guide the executives reduce the tendency of employees to engage in negative politics (McDonagh & Umbdenstock, 2006). Employers who publish clear guidelines in mission and vision statements, coupled with effective communication from senior executives, reduce negative internal politics and create a strong positive culture (McDonagh & Umbdenstock, 2006; Sadri & Lees, 2001).

Organizational Structures Facilitating Positive Political Environment

Organizational structures facilitate or impede company politics. Hierarchical organization structures in small organizations may make it difficult to work collaboratively and respond quickly to clients and customers, A star organizational design where each has multiple connections with others, people talk to one another, information flows freely may work well in smaller organizations where consulting tasks are complicated (Bolman & Deal, 2013). In this type of organization, morale is usually high, but well-developed communication pathways and skills are necessary (Bolman & Deal, 2013). Business cultures fostering high performance, customer satisfaction, and limited negative politics show higher levels of collaboration, coalition building, focus on scholarship/expertise, and a higher degrees of member collaboration (Chase, 2002; Dahlgaard, & Park, 1999; Sadri, & Lees, 2001). All of these actions are positively aligned to better financial performance (Kotze, 2002).

In summary, positive political behavior in small, global, organizations is fostered by an inclusive corporate culture that promotes a collaborative environment, clear ethical guidelines with leadership modeling, and a focus on scholarship. These qualities also facilitate organizational performance in a global environment (Kotze, 2002).

Delivery Framework

A balanced scorecard approach aligns critical components of organizational performance, provides an easy-to-understand planning document, and serves as the foundation of individual and team performance management (Kaplan, 1992). Other performance enhancing management tools include lean key performance indicators, leader standard work, and individual hoshin programs (Choi, Kim, Byung-hak, Chang-Yeol, & Han-kuk, 2012; Mann, 2010). These two approaches build on the need to align strategy with tactics and organizational infrastructure, drawing a clear line of sight between business strategy and a structure to facilitate implementation. These processes focus on team, and individual accomplishments tied to specific organizational metrics (Dysvik, & Kuvaas, 2013). Improving employee satisfaction and reducing negative political behaviors can be a result of team and supervisory activities enriched under a lean or balanced scorecard system (Dysvik, & Kuvaas, 2013). These management tools provide an easy way to show employees the importance of individual and team efforts to achieving business strategy (Mann, 2010). Keeping the organization focused on customer satisfaction, as does lean and a balanced scorecard, helps reduce the type of negative politics that occurs when the objectives of the business are unclear (Boateng, Agyei & Louis, 2013).

Communication and Technology

Strong technology and communication platforms facilitate internal and external communications providing additional links between strategy and employees. If leaders and followers are tightly connected through the use of strategically designed, technology-enabled, infrastructure, consistency in customer satisfaction will be enhanced (Luftman, 2004).

Uncertainty can arise when communication channels are not clear. Facilitating and developing a knowledge sharing system is another critical organizational competency in a fast-paced, global business (Hunga, Durcikova, Laia, & Lina, 2011). Development of a positive political, corporate culture must take into consideration cultural development using teams. Because of the cost of flying people to centralized meeting locations, limited office space, and traffic problems, virtual teams are becoming very popular (Nyaanga, Ehiobuche, & Ampadu-Nyarkoh, 2013). Facilitating a telecommunication culture, however, must include having a strong technology infrastructure and culture of cooperation (Nyaanga, Ehiobuche, & Ampadu-Nyarkoh, 2013).   For example, if a company cannot communicate with employees because there are no scheduled employee meetings, no technology to facilitate email communications, few opportunities for Skyping, or other technology-enabled processes, the organizational objectives are hard to grasp. Negative politics flourish in an environment when both organization and personal goals are uncertain (Boateng, Agyei & Louis, 2013).

Human Resources, Global Teams, and Internal Stakeholders

Linking business strategy with human resources strategy increases organizational performance (Shammot, 2014). Human resources strategy and infrastructure, particularly in compensation, performance management, and training, ensures consistency in workplace management and improves organization performance (Brinkerhoff, 2005; Mann, 2010; Martínez-Jurado, Moyano-Fuentes & Pilar, 2013; Shammot, 2014). Providing a consistent message to employees in human resources actions reduces the environment for negative politics (Boateng, Agyei, & Louis, 2013; Miller, Rutherford & Kolodinsky, 2008). One of the most frequent contributors to negative politics is the perception that performance management and compensation decisions are not made on merit (Boateng, Agyei, & Louis, 2013). In creating a model to support positive organizational politics, carefully linking compensation and performance management decisions to business strategy and rewards based on merit, enhances transparency (Boateng, Agyei, & Louis, 2013). Chase (2002) noted organizations without clear performance management criteria, foster negative political behaviors. Thus organizations with transparent, clearly defined human resources infrastructures (particularly in compensation and performance management) linked to business strategy have engaged and connected employees (Miller, Rutherford & Kolodinsky, 2008) which reduce the environment for negative politics.

External Stakeholders

Global organizations, by definition, work with diverse populations as well as with external stakeholders. External stakeholders are affected by organizational politics. Global businesses operate in local environments where there is diversity in local institutions, local rules, varying socio-economic conditions, and multiple stakeholder (Rodriguez, Siegel, Hillman & Eden, 2006). If the organizational environment is one of confusion and mistrust a negative political environment is generated which affects organizational performance, customers, suppliers, stockholders, and the community. To sustain the corporation economically and socially, global businesses must understand and manage their relations with local officials, foreign country requirements (Rodriguez, Siegel, Hillman & Eden, 2006).


In conclusion, a model for positive organizational politics starts with leadership. The leadership style of the executive decision maker affects the organization’s political environment (McDonagh & Umbdenstock 2006). Leaders embracing an inclusive leadership style set the stage for a mutual dialog where differences are acknowledged and respected. It is not enough, however, to have an inclusive philosophy of leadership. Because in a global world the answers may not be readily apparent, an ethical framework of decision making supported by clear vision, mission, and values statements, and continual training, help managers, and employees make good decisions. Philosophy and ethics, however, do not provide a business framework over which to manage a global organization. A customer centered, lean or balanced scorecard framework over which to organize business efforts towards customer satisfaction must be in place. This results in a clearer line of sight between the organization and the customer which reduces negative political actions that arise out of uncertainty, confusion, and bad communication. Good communication practices across strong technology platforms eliminate a cause of negative politics. Linking human resources infrastructure in compensation and performance management with business strategy, where management decisions are based on clear guidelines, talent, and skills enhances transparency, an important element in a positive political environment. Finally, a negative political environment in a corporation affects the way both internal and external stakeholders are served. Negative organization politics arise out of uncertainty, lack of trust, and confusion, which reduces the ability of business to serve employees, customers, and their communities.

These components result in a model of positive politics that make it easy to communicate across organizational boundaries, increase trust, communication and focus political behavior into effective, goal-oriented, customer focused processes, and structures (Gotsis & Kortezi, 2011). Individuals can use this model of positive political processes to gauge the potential for negative politics in their organizations. Organizational leadership can use this model to assess the political health of their organizations.




Bank of America.  (2014). Responsible business ethics.  Retrieved from:     http://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/global-impact/responsible-business-practices.html#fbid=J7LTvTY51X6

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2013). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Boateng, I. A., Agyei, A., & Louis, O. J. (2013). Organizational politics: It’s influence on firms. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(10), 295- 304.

Brinkerhoff, R. (2005). The success case method: A strategic evaluation approach to increasing   the value and effect of training. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(1), 8-101.

Chase, C. R. (2002). Corporate politics: The business of health care. SSM, 8(5), 27.

Choi, B., Kim, J., Byung-hak Leem, Chang-Yeol, L., & Han-kuk, H. (2012). Empirical analysis   of the relationship between six sigma management activities and corporate competitiveness. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,    32(5),   528-550.

Dahlgaard, J. J., & Park, S. M. (1999). Integrating business excellence and innovation management: Developing a culture for innovation, creativity, and learning. Total Quality Management, 10(4), S465-S472. Retrieved from

Day, D. V., & Antonakis, J. (2012) The nature of leadership (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gotsis, G., & Kortezi, Z. (2011). Bounded self-interest: A basis for constructive organizational politics. Management Research Review, 34(4), 450-476.

Hunga, S., Durcikova, A., Laia, H., & Lina, W. (2011). The influence of intrinsic and extrinsic     motivation on individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69(6), 415-42.

Kaplan, R.  (1992). The Balanced Scorecard – Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard  Business Review. January-February, 1992. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Press.

Kotze, J. (2002). Sustainable competitive advantage in the 21st century. Accountancy SA, 14-15. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/215197327?accountid=35812

Lloyds of London.  (2015).  Risk index.  Retrieved from     http://www.lloyds.com/~/media/files/news%20and%20insight/risk%20insight/risk%20in  dex%202013/report/lloyds%20risk%20index%202013report100713.pdf#search=’cuba’

Luftman, J. N., Bullen, C., Liao, D., Nash, E., & Neumann, C. (2004). Managing the   information technology resource: Leadership in the information Age. Englewood Cliffs,  NJ: Pearson Education.

McDonagh, K. J., & Umbdenstock, R. J. (2006). Hospital governing boards: A study of their effectiveness in relation to organizational performance. Journal of Healthcare Management, 51(6), 377-89

Meyers, I., & McCaulley, M. (1985). Manual: A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs type indicator. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Mann, D. (2010). Creating a lean culture: Tools to sustain lean conversations. New York, NY: Taylor Francis.

Martínez-Jurado, P. J., Moyano-Fuentes, J., & Pilar, J. G. (2013). HR management during lean production adoption. Management Decision, 51(4), 742-760.

Miller, B. K., Rutherford, M. A., & Kolodinsky, R. W. (2008). Perceptions of organizational  politics: A meta-analysis of outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 22(3), 20 222.

Ogrean, C., & Herciu, M. (2014). Challenges of the complex global economy on the networked   modern enterprise. Paper presented at the ESD Conference, Vienna, Austria.  Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1542112054?accountid=35812

Rodriguez, P., Siegel, D. S., Hillman, A., & Eden, L. (2006). Three lenses on the multinational enterprise: Politics, corruption, and corporate social responsibility. Journal of   International Business Studies, 37(6), 733-746

Shammot, M. (2014). The role of human resources management practices represented by   employee’s recruitment and training and motivating in realization competitive advantage. International Business Research, 7(4), 55-72. Simmers, C. A. (1998).   Executive/Board politics in strategic decision-making. The Journal of  Business and Economic Studies, 4(1), 37-56. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/235801241?accountid=35812

Smeltzer, L. R., Fannagry, G., & Butterfield, D. A. (1989). Comparison of managerial communication patterns in small, entrepreneurial organizations and large, mature organizations the “good manager” Did Androgyny fair better in the 80’s? Group & Organization Studies (1986-1998), 14(2), 198.

United Nations. (2015). UNDOC E-Learning platform. Retrieved from http://www.unodc.org/elearning/frontpage.jsp

Walmart. (2014). Walmart global ethics. Retrieved from  https://walmartethics.com/Landing.aspx

Wren, J. Thomas, 1995. The leader’s companion, insights on leadership through the ages.  New York, NY: The Free Press.

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MSEC Hosts “The Global 20(c)” for C-Suite Execs

By |2014-11-06T12:49:18-05:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Mountain States Employer’s Council hosted Birchtree Global’s executive staff for a day long global startup work out session with C-Suite corporate executives. The Global 20(c) takes business leaders through the 20 critical infrastructure decisions that must be made when a company moves from domestic to global operations. The corporate strategy focus of the program, extensive peer-reviewed data, and the 100+ country startup experience of the instructors contributed to exceptional feedback from the executives in the program. Janet Walsh, CEO of Birchtree Global brought Jim McGuirk and Rick Gimbert

Jim McGuirk leading executives through C-Suite considerations in global startups

Jim McGuirk leading executives through C-Suite considerations in global startups

as instructors. Jim McGuirk shared his experiences with large companies as president of Unisys Corporation, and his experience accelerating technology company growth into the INC 500 top ten. Rick Gimbert provided the global CPA perspective on creating a firm-wide tax strategy for macro strategic decisions. He also provided the micro tax perspective, with expatriate tax planning, assignment letters, and employment contracts. Janet Walsh discussed legal issues, foreign location incentives, human resources strategy, ethics, data protection, and resources.

Comments from participant’s included:

“Very valuable information tying all pieces of the international experience together including C-Suite expectations.” Services Executive
“Everything was valuable, I didn’t know what to expect and was a little lost with international operations, but now I feel equipped to understand and start.” Solar Business Executive
“SUPERB!” Technology VP
“The resources for more information, how to educate our leaders, format to be able to refer back” to additional information was very helpful. Manufacturing Executive
“Most valuable part of the program was tying the strategic business needs of the company to the tactical actions necessary to expand globally.” Technology Executive
“The Handbook is a great reference going forward.” Technology Executive
“Information on the employer/employee relationships and HR considerations, where to go for additional information.” Very Helpful. Medical Executive
“Fantastic Program, Exceptional Content.” Services Executive
“Most valuable part of the program were the additional resources to review, exercises in the book, focus on internal considerations of the strategic and tactical issues and specific follow up actions.” Services Executive

Birchtree Global offers a one day generic program, “The Global 20(c)” that showcases the 20 critical infrastructure issues.

For individual businesses Birchtree Global offers “The Global 20 Strategy(c)” a one day customized workout session, taught by Birchtree’s global team of legal, financial, executive, HR, and tax executives addressing the critical infrastructure startup issues facing a specific company. All executives teaching this course have “on-the-ground” in-country experience.

For businesses that need to enter the global market quickly, yet maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and financial control, the “Global Company in a Box(c)” solution offers a turn-key, “white-glove” startup service, that establishes your company in the foreign location including company registration, tax strategy, human resources infrastructure, incentives, handbooks, payroll, expatriate management, among others.

For additional information contact Information@birchtreeglobal.com.

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The Legal, Financial, Tax, and Human Resources Required Infrastructure in Global Startups

By |2014-09-30T17:09:27-04:00September 30th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

In global business the legal, financial, tax, and human resources issues are so tightly interwoven, business leaders routinely, and unintentionally, commit company assets to fixed positions outside of their area of direct responsibility.  This program focuses on linking business strategy with twenty critical infrastructure issues affecting legal, financial, tax, and human resources.  The program looks at markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Canada and provides specific examples of contracts, tax strategy, incorporation challenges, collectives, expatriate management, statutory benefits, and employer/employee legal responsibilities.  The program has been rigorously peer-reviewed, and developed for business professionals who are responsible for strategic and functional aspects of global business.  At the conclusion of the program participants will have a comprehensive understanding of global startup issues, documents, and resources.  They will realize how profoundly their individual responsibilities expand and change as their business goes global.

This program is offered in Denver, CO at Mountain States Employer’s Council on October 27 ($375/person) and in White Plains, NY on November 7 ($400/person).  For more details contact:  Anne Wyatt: Information@birchtreeglobal.com.



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Establishing a Business Overseas

By |2014-09-15T10:30:23-04:00September 15th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

Establishing your business overseas?

This one-day workshop has been designed to increase financial competitiveness in businesses expanding into international markets.  The program focuses on linking business strategy with twenty critical infrastructure issues affecting legal, financial, tax, and human resources.  The program has been developed for business leaders, operations, and human resources managers who are responsible for linking strategy and tactics.  The program looks at markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Canada and provides specific examples of contracts, tax strategy, incorporation challenges, collectives, expatriate management, statutory benefits, and employer/employee legal responsibilities.  At the conclusion of the program participants will have a comprehensive understanding of issues, documents, and resources to set up a business overseas.

Registration Information

Location:     White Plains, New York

                        Conference Center

333 Westchester Avenue-South Building

White Plains, NY  10604

Cost:             $400 Clients and Participating Organizations

$500 Not-Yet-Clients or Participating Organizations

Time:             8:00 AM-5:00 PM     Program

6:00 PM-9:00 PM     Optional Executive Dinner and Discussion

Contact:       Information@birchtreeglobal.com


8:00-9:00 AM            Welcome and Introduction

  1.    About this program
  2.    Why go global?
  3.    Organizational behavior
  4.    Template Based Country Overview

9:00-10:00AM           Developing a Global Mindset

  1.    Personal Orientation and Global Mindset
  2.    Strategic Business Objectives
  3.    Employer/Employee Legal Relationship

10:00-10:45 AM       Core Functions

  1.    Tax Strategy
  2. Legal Incorporation-Structure of the Foreign Business

10:45-11:00 AM       Break

11:00 AM-12:00       Core Functions

  1.    Human Resources, Global Corporate Strategy
  2.    Labor Law, Corporate Strategy
  3.    Unions and Impact on Business Operations
  4.    Talent Management Immigration/Naturalization/TCN

12:00-1:00 PM          Lunch (Provided by Conference)

1:00-2:30 PM            Core Functions      

  1. Expatriate Management-Costs and Consequences
  2.   Compensation/executive Compensation-Who Decides
  3.   Statutory/Non-statutory Benefits-Requirements
  4.   Performance Management-Link to Business Strategy
  5.   Training and Organizational Development

2:30-2:45 PM            Break

2:45-5:00 PM            The Global Environment

  1.   HRIS-Capturing Data and Data Privacy
  2.   Technological Issues
  3.   Safety and Environmental Concerns
  4.   Ethics in Global Business, Legal Issues
  5.   Global Communication
  6.   Cultural Implications

6:00-9:00 PM            Executive Discussion and Dinner (optional)

Instructors and Contributors

 Janet L. Walsh

Janet Walsh is the CEO and President of Birchtree Global, LLC a professional services firm that increases the financial performance of companies by establishing them in new markets and increasing workforce productivity. She has worked on-the-ground in 73 countries establishing human resources and business infrastructure for global multinationals.  In addition to her experience with Birchtree, she has served as a corporate VP HR leading the global HR function through mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, greenfield expansion, and new market development.  She has diverse industry experience in manufacturing, financial services, and technology companies.

Janet’s board service has included Devry University, the advisory board of the American National Standards Advisory Group and the US TAG board of the Society for Human Resources Management, World Trade Center in Atlanta, GA, the French American Chamber of Commerce, Bucknell University Alumni Association and Dumbarton Concerts.

Janet is a senior, visiting professor of business at several universities including Keller Graduate School of Management where she authored the school’s HR MBA capstone course, and courses in metrics, economics, and global business.

She holds a BA Economics from Bucknell University, an MBA from Loyola University, and is a current doctor of business administration student-dissertation “Success characteristics of foreign direct investment in Cuba.”

Jim McGuirk

Jim McGuirk is the founder and president of AKLM Consulting. The business focuses on market research, market positioning, market strategy, partner alliance programs and M&A strategy in the government technology marketplace.

Prior to establishing AKLM, Jim was the Vice President of Worldwide Government for Siebel Systems Inc. for 2 years.  Prior to working with Siebel, Jim held multiple leadership positions with Unisys Corporation including President and General Manager.  He was president of WW Public Sector ($2.2B), the US Federal Systems ($1.2B), and General Manager, North America ($3.5B).

In 1999, Jim received the Federal Computer Week Eagle Award for his significant contribution to the Federal Government information technology community. This award is to the top industry executive serving the Government Marketplace.

A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Duquesne University. He is a member of the Duquesne University Board of Directors and the Century Club for Distinguished Graduates. He is the Managing Partner of ERIE, LLC, a private investment firm.

John O’Loughlin,

John O’Loughlin is Managing Partner of MGHR Leadership Solutions Practice that also conducts senior HR search in tandem with McAleer Gray. MGHR’s solutions are focused on Board of Director’s to C-level and their direct reports. MG-HR’s clients extend across diverse business sectors.

With over 20 years’ experience in the CHRO role in multiple industries, in large, medium and small organizations, as well as public and private companies, John brings experience, expertise, and insight that is invaluable in partnering with clients on human capital challenges and HR executive search.

Prior to joining McAleer Gray, John worked with start-up organizations expanding overseas including long-term projects in China.  John worked with Birchtree Global providing board, executive compensation, and global start-up expertise.  Prior to working with Birchtree, John was SVP, CHRO at Corporate Express (now Staples) and supported the growth of that organization from $400 million to $8 billion. The growth was both organic and through acquisitions characterized by best practice integrations of organizations.

John holds a BBA from Texas Tech University and a MBA from the University of North Texas. He is further distinguished by holding both the SPHR and GPHR credentials through the HR Certification Institute.

Richard D. Gimbert

For the last sixteen years, Richard D. Gimbert has provided independent, global CPA services for Birchtree Global.  He is a Principal in GrossDukeNelson, and leads their international tax practice area.  A member of the Integra global network of CPA’s Rick specializes in international tax, inbound and outbound transactions, transfer pricing, foreign national taxation, taxation of international partnerships, international assignment planning and US nonresident withholding requirements, corporate as well as individual tax planning.  He leads the Integra US cross border tax group that is responsible for improving international tax capabilities.  He is a regular presenter at global professional programs.

Rick’s previous experience includes being an international tax partner at both Price Waterhouse (before the Coopers merger) and Deloitte & Touche. Rick has led large U.S. international tax practices in Houston, Tokyo, Toronto, and Atlanta.  Rick knows the expatriate community very well having practiced outside of the US in Tokyo and Toronto for almost 10 years; Rick has extensive experience with inbound and outbound business investment and served many multinational as well as Fortune 100 companies.

Rick has authored numerous articles over the years and has been a frequent speaker at tax conferences. Rick graduated from the University of Tampa with a BS in Accounting and is a CPA in Florida and Georgia.

Steven L. Walsh

Steven Walsh is the president of Traxys Power Systems a division of the $5B Traxys conglomerate.  He is responsible for leading the profitability and development of Traxys power systems around the world.  Prior to Traxys he was the founder and managing partner of Tier One Capital Management, LLC.  Tier One identifies strategic partnerships for infrastructure projects, mergers, acquisitions and investments in various markets targeting opportunities that provide risk adjusted financial returns.

Prior to Tier One, Steven spent 13 years with AES Corporation in executive management.  Steven served in operational roles as the President and CEO for Middle East and South Asia, Dubai, UAE operations; President and CEO for CIS Operations in Kiev, Ukraine; and as President and CEO of operations in Bogota, Colombia. Steven also served at AES’s corporate headquarters as Vice President, Government and Legislative Affairs.

From 2004-2005 Steven was recalled to active service to the U.S. Mission, Iraq where he served as a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Corps, managing the electrical sector project and contracting office.

Prior to working with AES, Steven was a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Corp and was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service in combat.

Steven holds a degree in Engineering from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD; an MSBA in Finance from Strayer University, and completed the AMP Degree Program at Harvard University.








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Panel Discussion Birchtree, Pfizer, Tommy Hilfiger and The Children’s Place

By |2013-10-11T08:27:36-04:00October 11th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Panel Discussion Birchtree, Pfizer, Tommy Hilfiger and The Children's Place

Terrific program organized by Bucknell University on global business. All CEO’s on the panel agreed Bucknell students made the best interns and employees. Commentary included challenges in moving money back into the United States from overseas operations, thus structure of a new startup should be carefully thought through. It was mentioned that in the retail industry there is a trend towards sourcing products from online orders through local stores, the advantages included being able to keep product flowing from inventory, better connectivity with clients, faster deliveries in some cases. Global copyright violations were an issues for all firms particularly for Pfizer. All companies treated this issue as very important to the brand image and brand name. Birchtree, Pfizer, and Tommy Hilfiger pursued violations aggressively. Companies were expanding into operations in the Middle East, China, Panama, Germany, and Latin America.

Met a “soon to be famous” up and coming, fashion mogul, Johnny Picardo. who is working at Victor Alfaro designing exquisite action clothing. Exceptionally interesting person and loved the clothes, particularly the workout clothes.

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