
About Janet Walsh

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So far Janet Walsh has created 230 blog entries.

Executives Care About Numbers and Results

By |2025-03-26T11:35:08-04:00March 26th, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|

It’s About Results

Executives care about numbers and results. Connecting HR metrics to key financial drivers such as profit margins, revenue growth, cost savings, and shareholder value shows how HR drives financial success in the organization. But historically, executives have viewed HR as a cost center rather than a value driver. However, HR data reveals opportunities to improve productivity, reduce turnover costs, and enhance employee performance. In summary, understanding HR metrics drives strategic business decisions.

Birchtree Performance HR (BPHR) uses the ISO 30414 organizational metrics to help Executive leadership identify the costs, benefits, and outcomes from HR operations. These metrics can be aligned with company financial metrics to show how HR operations affect EBITDA and Valuation.

Birchtree Performance HR (https://lnkd.in/er3nWjMS) is looking for medium to large companies who want information, coaching, and support to increase the financial performance of their human capital assets. We do this by connecting company key HR and financial metrics and using those metrics to suggest improvements in HR strategy, skills, retention, bench strength, training, total rewards, cost reduction, and management agility.

Contact us and we’ll show you exactly how you can increase EBITDA in HR activities: https://lnkd.in/d9NhRCRE

HR, EBITDA, and Business Profitability

By |2025-03-18T14:40:09-04:00March 18th, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|

Expressing the value of HR in terms of business profitability can be challenging, especially when measuring its direct impact on EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization). At Birchtree, our finance and operating executives have utilized ISO 30414 metrics to effectively measure human capital investments and directly link them to EBITDA. These results have offered valuable insights that enhance decision-making and business performance.

Interested in understanding how HR influences your bottom line and the research supporting it? Reach out to us at information@birchtreeglobal.com. We’ll tailor our insights to your industry and business metrics, focusing on strategies to enhance EBITDA in your business operations. Discover the impact HR can have on your financial success – you won’t regret it!Man in suit behind transparent screen with DATA and WiFi icons

Promote Yourself to VP at the Irish Business Organization of New York!

By |2025-01-31T15:37:19-05:00January 31st, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|

Promote yourself to VP!

The IBO New York is looking for a VP Treasurer, a Communication VP, a Board Secretary and two Interns. Come join the best networking, fun, and friendly business organization in New York and march with us in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade! Send your resume to the Irish Business Organization info@ibonewyork.org. We look forward to talking with you!

Come see us at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ibonewyork/posts/?feedView=all

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2024 CME STEM Leadership Awards

By |2024-12-13T09:01:47-05:00December 13th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

I was honored to be a Co-Chair at the Chemical Marketing & Economics STEM Leadership Awards and sponsor of Hubert Sagnières of Essilor Luxottica.  Established in 2012, the CME STEM Leadership Awards are the highest honor given by the Chemical, Marketing, and Economics Inc to outstanding leaders of society for harnessing the transforming power of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for the benefit of humanity.

Hubert Sagnières is widely recognized as a transformative force in the optical care industries and a leading scholar and contributor to exploration. Serving as the Chair and CEO of Essilor International, and later as the Executive Vice Chair of Essilor Luxottica, He has played a pivotal role in advancing the mission of improving lives through better vision—a mission deeply rooted in societal impact and innovation.

Under his leadership, Essilor Luxottica has become a global leader in eye care solutions. His work has resulted in groundbreaking innovations, strategic mergers, acquisitions, an unwavering commitment to sustainable development, and a vision to eradicate uncorrected poor vision on a global scale. As a result, Hubert has been instrumental in bringing vision care to millions of people in underserved communities around the globe.

He is also a distinguished explorer. In 2023 he followed in the footsteps of great French Explorers documenting their achievements. He then published the updates in, Daring French Explorations 1714-1854, Trailblazing adventures around the world. The book is a series of extracts and illustrations from the travel journals of the French explorers and current observations.

Honorees from left to right:
hashtagGeorgeRodriguez, hashtagLeonardLevie, hashtagRichardWiese, hashtagHubertSagnières, hashtagJanetWalsh, hashtagWilburRoss, hashtagRichardGarriott, hashtagSurabhiVarshney, hashtagShahKarim, hashtagKseniaTakhistova, and hashtagEdwardGrebow

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Irish Business Organization of New York Elects Janet Walsh President

By |2024-12-08T18:32:19-05:00December 8th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Birchtree Global, LLC and Birchtree Performance HR are pleased to announce Dr. Janet L. Walsh has been elected the 2025 president of the Irish Business Organization in New York (IBO). Founded in 1973, the IBO is a leading organization for business networking. For five decades the IBO has created vibrant networks across the tri-state area supporting, guiding, and enlightening waves of Irish and Irish American business leaders.

Dr. Walsh succeeds Paul Finnegan, who has held the post since 2022. She will be joined by Karen Colligan, First Vice President and Loretta Bricchi Lee, Second Vice President, and a number of outstanding Irish Business Leaders. Janet and her team will be focusing on continuing the work of the IBO, expanding and deepening business to business relationships, its partnership with Irish Government representatives in the United States and bi-lateral chambers, and supportive programs for the J-1 Visa Program for students, the community’s newest business members.

Dr. Walsh is the CEO and President of Birchtree Global, LLC, which specializes in globalizing business and HR strategies, operations, and workforce integration. She has established operations in 86 countries and all 50 U.S. states, leading cross-functional teams of legal, financial, tax, and HR experts. Previously, Janet held senior leadership roles, including Vice President and Director of Global HR for multibillion-dollar multinationals. She holds a BA in Economics from Bucknell University, an MBA from Loyola University, and a Doctorate in Business Administration focused on Foreign Direct Investment in Cuba from University of Phoenix.

A recognized thought leader in global market entry, HR, and financial strategy, Janet’s board service includes Chair of Ethics and Governance for The Explorers Club, the Human Resources Certification Institute, and the D’Oyly Carte Foundation. As an adjunct professor and lecturer at top universities, including Columbia, Fairfield, Stony Brook, and Manhattanville, she works to bridge academia and practice.

Beyond business, Janet is a division-winning equestrian, award-winning watercolorist, and amateur archaeologist.


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Ken Griffin remarks at the Economic Club of New York

By |2024-11-26T11:53:39-05:00November 26th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

AIAC Chairperson Leonard Levie hosted leading economic and business executives at the Economic Club of New York, on November 21 to hear Ken Griffin discuss his perspective on the economy.  Two key comments Ken made included:

He was gravely concerned that the rise of tariffs puts the US on a slippery slope towards crony capitalism.

He pointed out domestic organizations might benefit from having potential competitors removed, however, this would be a short-term benefit.

He was concerned that removing potential competitors does more harm as companies may lose their productivity and competitiveness which in turn hurts the US economy.

Kenneth Cordele Griffin is the founder, chief executive officer, co-chief investment officer, and 80% owner of Citadel LLC, a multinational hedge fund and Citadel Securities. His 2023 estimated net worth of $35 billion, made him one of the top 40 richest people in the world.  He was part of Forbes’s 2023 list of the United States’ Most Generous Givers, donating some $1.56 billion to various charitable causes, primarily in education, economic mobility and medical research. He has also contributed tens of millions of dollars to political candidates and causes, usually Republican or conservative in ideology. For detailed summary of the discussion check out the following:



Photo: Bloomberg Media

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Transforming Human Capital into a Competitive Advantage

By |2024-07-22T17:44:37-04:00July 22nd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Crowd of men and women dressed in business attireConsider how you develop a competitive financial and operational advantage in your human capital. Here is a great article from McKinsey, well documented and food for thought. If you want more ideas for increasing your EBITDA in HR operations, let us know and our global, peer reviewed HR and Finance executives will brainstorm with you about your specific challenges.

Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage


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Increasing EBITDA With HR Operations

By |2024-06-30T11:07:21-04:00June 30th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

The new ISO Guideline 30414 contains key organizational metrics that help executive leadership identify the costs, benefits, and outcomes from HR operations. If you are a portfolio manager or HR leader, you can show your financial executives just how important good HR management practices are to increasing the EBITDA value of your businesses. For example:

•  Assume the company has: 250 employees
•  Employee annual turnover: 16% (national average)
•  TOTAL cost of replacing an employee is: 0.75x annual wages
•  Annual wage is: $77,500 (national average, source: MarketWatch)

Let’s assume that BPHR does an audit of your HR practices and makes recommended changes leading to a modest reduction in employee turnover to 10%.

The annual savings for not replacing the 15 employees would be:
15 employees x 0.75 x. $77,500 = $872,000 added to EBITDA

The equity value would then be:
$872,000 x 7 = $6.1M, or an additional 11% in equity value.

This is just the beginning.  BPHR focuses on increasing financial performance through Human Resources operations. Our team of financial and HR executives will answer your questions and help you uncover more ways to increase EBITDA.

See more of what we do at

Contact us at walsh@birchtreeglobal.com for a discussion of the possibilities.

Thank you, James Calver, for the insights!

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Jamie Dimon View of the Economy

By |2024-04-26T15:08:25-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

On April 23, I attended the Economic Club of NY and listened to JPMorgan Chase CEO, #JamieDimon discuss economic issues in the U.S. economy for 2024. He was interviewed by #MarieJoseeKravis, chair emerita of the #EconomicClubofNew York. Here is a short summary of his remarks.

In his comments he was bullish on a “robust” U.S. economy and mentioned the low unemployment and positive consumer financial environment, housing prices for owners, However, he pointed out the problems with increasing U.S. debt and concerns that inflation might endure longer than expected keeping interest rates higher. He mentioned concern over government spending. He pointed out threats to commodities markets and movement of people due to the continued conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Dimon observed, the U.S. government would benefit from more “practitioners.” He said he’d like to see the next president populate the cabinet with members of the other party. He promoted putting people with practical, business experience at the table, hopefully reducing political polarization. “I want the next president, whoever it is, to put the other party (members) in their cabinet. That is what I would like to see. I would like to see practitioners go back to the government.” He said he was “very excited” about the future.

His remarks and conversation were very well received. Personal ancedotes from my table mates who know him were very favorable. He is much admired.

For a more detailed commentary on the economic future read his annual report to JPMorgan shareholders:


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NYIT Faculty Scholars Luncheon

By |2024-04-12T11:44:22-04:00March 28th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Creating Positive Corporate Culture to Reduce Workplace Bullying

Laura Persky, Ken Pinnock and I are very pleased to announce our research “Creating Positive Corporate Culture to Reduce Workplace Bullying” has been recognized at the 2024 NYIT Faculty Scholars Awards Program.

This research highlights the problem of workplace bullying and provides suggestions for organizational processes that might prevent it from occurring. The study explains why workplace bullying exists and how certain organizational structures, cultures, or leadership styles can contribute to and reinforce negative behavior. This study includes both qualitative primary and secondary research sources. It provides recommendations for creating a positive work environment by applying organizational virtuousness practices that may inhibit or mitigate negative behaviors. The findings offer diagnostic suggestions and proactive structural efforts that can help minimize the opportunity for bullying.

The paper is available in the Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2023, pp. 43-53.  https://bbd501.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/GJBR-V17N1-2023-4.pdf

For a diagnostic review of bullying in your organization contact walsh@birchtreeglobal.com.

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