1. Foreign National Worker Quota for India
For those of you with operations in India…be aware that the Indian government has begun to enforce a new quota on employers sponsoring foreign workers for employment visas. With very limited exceptions, an employer must certify that the number of foreign national workers it employs in India does not exceed 1% of the total workforce or 20 foreign workers total, whichever is less. In addition, there are new tax compliance requirements for sponsors of employment visa applicants at Indian diplomatic posts in the United States.
Contact us or your immigration attorney or global CPA for additional details.
2. Minimum Wage Increases in Mexico:
The Representative Counsel for the National Commission for Minimum Wages, through its web page, announced the increases to the general minimum daily wages for the three geographic areas of the Mexican Republic. Such wages are obligatory as of January 1, 2010. Note that many foreign companies operating in Mexico pay substantially more than the daily minimum wage, but the daily minimum wage is often used as a multiplier for other benefits, taxes and insurances. Make sure you check and or change your calculations to take into account these changes.
New General Daily Minimum Wage in Dollars for selected cities:
$57.46 $4.52 Mexico City
$55.84 $4.39 Guadalajara
$54.47 $4.28 Yucatan